lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Reading Lesson Plan
Text: An Ecology of Houses

Learning Goal
Classify Key Vocabulary
55 minutes
Necessary Materials
Text “An Ecology of Houses”, dictionary, worksheet with written activities, one computer, speakers and one data show (audible text).
Teacher Modeling
*(Pre Reading) Students will listen to the teacher as he/she reads out loud one time, first in a lower speed than normal and the second time what students will listen to, will be the original audible text in a regular speed.
 *(While) The Teacher will make (before the class), cards with images and cards with key words. At first teacher and classmates will rehearse the matching between words and pictures. The teacher will show the class an image, call someone to come up front and choose the word he/she thinks is the one that matches with the image. It can be also in groups without going to the front, just answering between the alternatives, everyone sitting down. After two times, (two or three rehearsals matching the word with the correct image), students must know the correct matching between words and pictures/images.
While the audio is being played and listened to, the images in front of the class will belong to the content of the text.
Each student will have his/her own text in a paper sheet.
Students will then read the text again in silence and underline the words they think are the clue to deduce what the text is about.
Each student will have his/her own text and own worksheet with the written activity.
*(Post) Make a list with the words you think most describes what the text is about. Twenty words.
Think Check
Short written activity. Students must choose the correct given sentence that MATCHES with the correct concept given in the written exercise. Students already know the words in the exercise with cards and images, so this time they will select sentences that matches with the words used before. The images in the picture this time are written down in a sentence. They must use previous knowledge.
EX:  … the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, and the landscape, as opposed to humans or human creations.. These words belong to the concept of nature.
…and so on:
NATURE….. the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, and the landscape, as opposed to humans or human creations.
ECOLOGY……the branch of biology concerned with the relations of      organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
LANDSCAPE…… a picture representing an area of countryside.
FOLIAGE…..plant leaves collectively.
ENVIRONMENT…..the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
OUTSKIRTS…..the outer parts of a town or city.
SPRAWL…. spread out irregularly over a large area.
DOWNTURN….a decline in economic or other activity.
INHERIT…..derive (a quality or characteristic) from one's parents or ancestors.
The long sentence is given by the teacher, it has nouns and adjectives, the isolated word, the concept, is the one students must know and use to answer.
Guided Practice
Students must answer the worksheet that contains twenty exercises like the one above. Twenty concepts matching twenty sentences with nouns and adjectives so that students could deduce what concept is the sentence talking about. Students already manage different nouns and verbs.
After this, students must match the concept with the correct image.
Choose between all the words given, the one you think best suits



From the whole list, choose ten words and build sentences un related to the text.You can change from a noun to an adjective or vice versa
                 EX: My friend lives in a small neighborhood
                       We have to take care of nature, each day there is less green
                        on earth.
                       My big sister prefer natural products to eat.
                      The way we can help is through an ecological attitude.
                      Last summer I met a fun boy called John , he told me he
                      was an ecologist

Independent Practice
Here you will find the same kind of exercises related this time to different topics. Choose one and bring it to the next class.

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